Instant Messenger
If you're a full member you can now download the latest version of our Instant Messenger and chat server client. Click here to see some of the features for yourself. Please use the same username and password to log in as you use on this site.If you need any help and can't find this on our help page, please use our standard feedback form.
Exchange messages in real time
Send and receive files
See when your contacts are online
Built in chat room
Easy access to our site from the program
Faster than web based messaging
You don't even need to log into this site to use the chatroom and messaging service, you and your friends/contacts can keep in touch even whilst you are using other sites.
Latest Version : 1.55 To download the Messenger for Windows Click Here (0.8MB)If you have any problems with the above link, click here for an alternative download
To download the Messenger for MacOS-X Click Here (1.1MB)If you have any problems with the above link, click here for an alternative download
Click on the above link, then choose 'Open' then when the software has fully downloaded, follow the onscreen messages. A small icon will be added to your taskbar, double clicking on this will then open your messenger program. You can now add your contacts by pressing the blue plus symbol in the toolbar on the right and typing in their username.
To enter our chatroom, click on the two red hearts below the plus sign on the right hand pane.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
First Date Tips for HIM & HER
Dating can be tough and first dates can be painful. So what are you to do? Here is a list of dating tips to start the year out right!
- Arrange your own transport to and from the date.
This way, you are always in control. If the date goes bad, you have the option to leave at any time. He doesn't know where you live, which stops a bad date turning into a nightmare situation when he turns up at your house.
- Don't make a big show.
A first date is a nerve racking experience for both of you, you don't want to end up trapped in a date you aren't enjoying, simply because you have to finish the show. You should do everything to make sure you can be relaxed and confident, and show who you really are. - Don't wear anything you don't feel comfortable in.
This is an extension to the big show. First impressions count, and if you don't feel comfortable wearing the first impression you're giving him, it isn't you. and first dates are bad enough without having to yank that hemline down every few minutes, or breathe in because that belt pinches.
- Let your date know where you are going.
This sounds obvious, but it puts then far more at ease than if they have no idea. Think about how many times you's felt over or under dressed, and how it saps your confidence. - Don't just talk about yourself.
Yes, you are the most interesting person in the world, and you have the most interesting life in the world, but doesn't everybody? The most interesting conversationalists are those who ask questions about other people.
- Don't forget to use mouthwash before you go out.
Soooo obviuos, but so many people don't!
- If you're eating out, try to think about what you order.
Don't order anything tats hard to eat, no matter how good the place makes it. If it makes you eat like a pig, chances are it'll ruin your make up, get onto your clothes, and make you feel dirty and self conscious all night
- Remember this is not a therapy session.
Talking about ex partners, spouses, a messy divorce makes even the most intelligent person seem clingy and pathetic and asking about them can seem pushy and intrusive. Keep the conversation light.
- Make sure you consider your date when choosing where to take them
You wouldn't want to take a devoted Vegetarian who eats like a sparrow to "Attila's all you can eat Mongolian Barbecue", similarly, you may like to think twice before asking a devoted meat eater for Vegan food
- At least be politely attentive.
No matter how boring he is. There can be nothing worse than having your date looking over your shoulder constantly, or laughing when you tell him about your Auntie's funeral.
- Finally, and most importantly: have fun, and be yourself
Friday, November 03, 2006
feeds rss atom whats this ?
So you've burned your feed and you've dropped the "FeedBurner chicklet" on your web page or blog. Congratulations! When you go look at your feed stats, however, are you seeing all of your feed traffic? Maybe not. The rest of this entry contains some hints and tips to make your stats as useful and accurate as they can be.
Tip #1: Offer a single feed
If a visitor comes to your site and sees a number of different chicklets for the same feed (RSS 1.0! RSS 2.0! FeedBurner! Atom!), all you're really doing is fracturing your traffic and making it harder to get a handle on who's subscribing to what. This is why we created the SmartFeed service: so that you could publish a single feed and rest assured that it can be read in all newsreaders out there, no matter what your source format is. So, sure, if you're a Blogger user and you have an Atom feed, you could use FeedBurner to convert it to RSS 2.0 and then offer both feeds on your site. But it really makes much more sense to offer a single SmartFeed: that way, clients that understand Atom will get the original Atom version and clients that don't understand Atom will get a converted-on-the-fly RSS 2.0 version. And you have a single place to go for all your stats. Cool, huh?
Tip #2: Check your Autodiscovery links
So, you dropped your new brand new FeedBurner chicklet on your page and removed the link to the original feed. So now everyone who comes to your page will use the FeedBurner version, right? Not necessarily. In the syndication world, there's something called "Autodiscovery", which means that a user could just type in the address of your web site into a feed reader and the reader will "autodiscover" the Atom or RSS feed that's associated with your site. How does that work? Check out the source to your page and look for lines like this:
Code: |
In each of those cases, just replace the href with the URL of your burned feed, so it will look something like this instead:
Code: |
Now, the autodiscovery process will find the same feed that is displayed on your page.
Tip #3: Redirect requests for your old feed
This tip is a little more advanced and is detailed in this Tech Tips posting. It lets you redirect requests for your old feed URL to go to your new burned URL. This actually gives you the best possible results, but you have to be in a position to configure the settings for your web server, which is out of bounds for many hosted communities.
We hope these tips help you get a more accurate measurement of your feed statistics!
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